Atholton Music Boosters |
Thank you to our Patrons! |
Our purpose is to create a community where students and parents of the music department can connect with one another and feel like they belong. The more parents we have involved, the better we can carry out our purpose. Whether it be through advocacy, attending a social before a concert or overseeing a fundraiser, we hope to involve every parent in some way.
Having a music booster group allows the music department to hold certain events that we would otherwise not be able to hold if they were just sponsored by the school music department. They also allow us to raise funds in ways we could not as a school music department. Volunteer mileage and donations are tax deductible as our parent organization is a 501(c)3. Executive Board and ChairpersonsPresident Lynn Hacker E-mail
Vice President Elyn Thomas Treasurer Nancy Cornell Secretary OPEN Band Liaison Joanna Casto Choir Liaison Tally Frenkel Orchestra Liaison Nina Shearer Scrip Gift Card Fundraiser Terumi McKenna Poinsettia Fundraiser Debbie Rhoades Decadent Fundraiser Kirsten Aquino Restaurant Fundraisers OPEN Spirit Wear OPEN Car Wash OPEN Concert Welcome Tables OPEN |
The Cornell Family
The Maslan Family The Zhang Family The Anderson Family The Hoopes-Hacker Family The McKenna Family Robert and Neddie Burwell Teresa & Andrew Cochran The Konrad Family The Rutzen Family The Latour Family Christina Lambert Jaxson Molinari & Family Principal Novak The Fosnacht Family The Wang Family The Casto Family The Ihm Family The Hyun Family The Kwon Family The Thompson Family The Kim Family The Celestin Family The Somerville Family The Zhao Family The Wargo Family Christina Lambert The Martinson Family Wen Huang Carolyn Freel |